Vampires and werewolves that hunt in the night? A prehistoric sea monster that frightens fishermen? Where did the ideas for these creatures come from? Could some of them be true? Discover tantalizing tidbits about the top ten mythical creatures of all time.
Alien abductions? Mysterious lights in the sky? Could these events actually be the work of extra-terrestrials? Get the facts about the top ten UFO and alien mysteries of all time.
People disappearing without a trace? Giant structures built by ancient humans? How did these strange things happen? Get the inside scoop on history's top ten unsolved mysteries.
Airplanes that soared through ancient skies? An underwater city? Could these unbelievable things ever have existed? Learn about the top ten ancient mysteries and investigate for yourself.
The spirit of a headless queen? The wandering ghost of a famous president? Could these spooks be real? Get the eerie details of the world's most haunted places.