The Juniper Passion, Act I: Obsculta, o fili (6:08)
The Juniper Passion, Act I: La loma sapienza e'l primo amore (3:40)
The Juniper Passion, Act I: The Sun Climbed into the Sky (2:14)
The Juniper Passion, Act I: I Cannot See (1:21)
The Juniper Passion, Act I: I Could Hear My Brother Calling (4:42)
The Juniper Passion, Act I: I Have Found You (3:22)
The Juniper Passion, Act I: Benedetto, tu, che illuminato dall'Alto "Preghiera per L'Europa" (2:17)
The Juniper Passion, Act I: I Am Maria Cavisccioni (3:19)
The Juniper Passion, Act I: Hier ist das Schlachtfeld (1:55)
The Juniper Passion, Act I: I Thought I'd Never See You Again (3:13)
The Juniper Passion, Act II: Madonna (1:45)
The Juniper Passion, Act II: I Have Come to Beg You Carlo (1:18)
The Juniper Passion, Act II: Carlo My Loyal and Devoted Son (4:35)
The Juniper Passion, Act II: In saecula (3:38)
The Juniper Passion, Act II: Prayer Has Power Beyond Human Understanding? (6:03)
The Juniper Passion, Act III: In the Arms of This Young Hills (2:42)
The Juniper Passion, Act III: The Pain of His Leaving (3:36)
The Juniper Passion, Act III: Women Create Life (4:16)
The Juniper Passion, Act III: Per mi si va ne la città odolentte (5:59)
The Juniper Passion, Act III: Domine Jesu Christe (10:01)
The Juniper Passion, Act III: On a Cold and Dirty Afternoon (9:28)
The Juniper Passion, Act III: Remenat scelerum macula (5:19)
The Juniper Passion, Epilogue: Upon Soft Grass Brave Soldier (4:52)