Matt Roy
Many of us feel this stirring. A desire to see the Holy Spirit unleash a river of awakening, flowing through the streets of our cities and communities and neighborhoods. We are waiting for the great wave. But perhaps we lack the faith to dream smaller. As we sow for, pray for, and long for awakening, we are not watching for one grand moment. We are not watching for a landmark sermon or a revival meeting. Instead, we band together in groups of three...
This is the time of year we must sink down: into the ancient story of God's people and remember what it means to hope. We walk with them on the desert road. We ache and thrill with the Prophets. We sing along with the Poets. We wait with anticipation for Jesus to step into the Story. We could never get to him. Our only hope is that he comes to us. And in the fullness of time, the plot takes a scandalous turn that we dared not even imagine. The Creator...