Peter Hofmann
This is not an attack on dentistry nor any institution. It does, however, point out in a very diplomatic way weaknesses in all levels from the government down. The main objective of the book is to educate the public and forewarn them of the many pitfalls, myths, and falsehoods along the way to good health. For instance, many books sold are promoting Apple Cider Vinegar as a cure-all without warning the public of certain dangers. Other dangers included...
The Cosmic Crossroad is both astronomical and historical- linking God's timing to man's time and joining a mysterious Fig Tree lesson to Signs in the Stars and to our generation. We are a special generation much like Daniel's 70-year generation that saw the return and restoration of Jerusalem. Will we see events shaped by a shadow of Daniels 3 1/2 year prophetical template? Just as God used Daniel and heavenly lights to point to Christ's first coming,...