Alina Bennett
Self-Hypnosis to Boost Self-Esteem & Confidence!
Self-esteem is the measure of the confidence that you have in yourself. Self-esteem is measured by several factors such as the achievements you have made in your life, your relationships with others, and whether or not you are satisfied with your overall life. When your self-esteem is failing you, it can lead you to be more tolerant of abusive situations and relationships, fall short of your potential...
2) Hypnosis Mastery: 2 in 1: How To Use Self-Hypnosis and Affirmations To Overcome Fear and Insomnia
Overcome Fear and Insomnia Instantly!
Anxiety is a prevailing disease in the lives of many people today, but it does not need to be. Anxiety is largely a learned behavior that can be controlled or eliminated by the use of a few simple techniques that will transform your life.
The human body runs on a certain small bit of anxiety. Humans have an automatic response to danger that tells them to run away or to fight back. This response is needed...
3) Deep Sleep Hypnosis: Guided Meditations and Relaxation Techniques to Fall Asleep Instantly, Relie
Sleep Hypnosis for Calming An Overactive Mind
Many people are still uncertain about hypnosis and its uses in their everyday lives. Usually, when people think of hypnosis they think of a circus act with someone hypnotizing someone else to make them do silly or stupid things without realizing they are being silly or stupid. This makes hypnosis something to fear or something to laugh at.
But that is not at all what hypnosis is about, as you will see...
4) Hypnosis for Weight Loss: Guided Meditations to Stop Emotional Eating, Poor Diet Habits, and Lose
You are reading this today because you want to succeed at your goal of losing weight but you don't want to try another diet and risk failing again. You know there is a reason why diets have never worked in the past. You know you are not lazy or soft and that you can succeed in your weight loss goal. You also know that something is holding you back, something that you will need to correct so that you can be successful.
That something...